Streamline your business processes by adapting Innovative Technologies

Higher Education of every size can benefit with the latest innovation and technologies offered in the Asset & Facilities Management, Inventory and Warehouse Management Systems. Improving current processes in Inventory Control, Procurement, eCommerce, Vendor Management, Property Disposition, Asset & Facilities Management, Asset Tracking, Outsourced Repairs, Mobility, and POS can greatly help eliminate and improve day to day challenges.

Inventory and Warehouse Management

Manage your inventory in real time by deploying current state of the art mobile computing scanners that instantly update your inventory to ensure the accuracy of weekly, monthly, or end of the year inventory. Our team helps you define or refine existing processes by consolidating and maintaining a clean history of data that Institutes can streamline and utilize for their central warehouse operations or departmental (Chemistry, Dining Hall, Procurement, Engineering, Health, Retail Stores, Restaurants, Student Life, etc.) requirements.

Inaccurate inventory is a result of manual receiving, put-away, transfer and issuing processes. Every time product is received at your facility or department and is used or taken out, in the absence of well-defined processes and deployment of the right technology, the Inventory, errors and inaccuracy will continue to haunt.

iM3 SCM Suite incorporates technologies such as Cloud, Mobility and integrates a host of other hardware & software such as POS, Mobile Computers & Scanners, IoT, RFID, iBeacons, location services, temperature monitoring and more. For more information, contact us at

Please visit our mobility section found under products & services (Warehouse Pilot, SmartCart, TV Dashboards) & POS (can be found under products) for more information on our software features and offerings.

Procurement process and more…

Purchasing and Procurement are essential responsibilities and operations in any given business, as they allow you to focus on minimizing costs and controlling cash flows. iM3 SCM Suite helps automate and optimize your procurement strategies in many key areas:

  • Defined vendor contracts and Quantity Price Breaks
  • Product Requirement and one click PO generation process
  • Accurate calculation of average usage and lead time based on product history
  • Tracking of Minimum and Maximum Inventory Levels
  • Hierarchical Review of Purchases
  • PO vs. Receiving, the process within the Universities, its departments to buy product involve many complex processes, centralized purchasing vs. direct drop ship to departments; automation of process of departmental receiving ensures transparency.
  • Automation of “Payment Process” - in a typical organization, manual processes are followed to match up the receiving, PO, and purchase price and then the payments are sent to vendors.

iM3 SCM Suite ensures that vendor bills are processed based on items received, therefore, ensuring that payments are made to vendors quickly by avoiding manual work and cross-examining various data.

Sales, eCommerce

From our experience, Higher Educations have departments, staff, students and other parties buying commodities. Vendors Catalog’s, University Shopping site, orders from department, staff and students adds a complexity to manage multiple pricing to service as a retailer.

iM3 SCM Suite helps institutes setup Sales Portals using eCommerce, Catalog management, POS, Mobile App, Self-Checkout App and much more!

  • Flexible Pricing Modules - defined Customer Group Pricing, Markup or Discount Management, Fixed Pricing etc.
  • eCommerce, Sales Order, Catalog, POS, Self-Checkout App
  • Fully integrated to Inventory/Warehouse to generate PO’s for non-stock/direct ship items, Special items, setup delivery from internal warehouse and more

Property Disposition

Higher Ed departments purchase a variety of properties such as: equipment, computers, lab items, furniture.

Departments have dedicated Projects and Grants to fund their purchases; based on the criteria defined - they will choose to dispose these items or properties after the Grants have been utilized or the department decides that they no longer require these assets or would like to replace them. The Property disposition center helps departments sell these items which are no longer required. The eCommerce platforms and University Stores are used to sell these products to University Staff, students, general public or directly to the supplier. Departments would like to use the amount collected from disposition or they need to return the amount back to the Grant provider etc., iM3 SCM has the tools and functionality to implement Property Disposition.

Asset, Facilities Management, Outsourced Contractors and Projects

iM3 SCM Suite enables functionality to help Universities manage their Assets, Facilities, Equipment for internal or subcontracted work. Universities have their Facilities Department manage the facilities, buildings, student housing, repairs & maintenance, installation, constructions etc. They contract out work to third party vendors for repair and manage Projects for Installation, Repairs or construction by third party vendors. iM3 SCM has inbuilt functions to manage these operations to setup:

  • Setup and Manage independent Inventory/Warehouse for Facilities
  • Preventive Maintenance and Service Contracts
  • Setup Equipment, condition monitoring, preventive maintenance and more
  • Asset Tracking and more
  • Warranty Management
  • Install, Repair & Rework Work Orders
  • Projects, Outsourced Work Orders and more
  • Fully integrated to Inventory/Warehouse to generate PO’s for non-stock/direct ship items, Special items, setup delivery from internal warehouse and more