Facility (FM) & Asset Management (AM)

iM3 SCM is the one-stop solution to manage your business:

  • You are a Service Provider
  • OEM, Dealer/Distributor
  • Field Service Team or Mobile Fleet Team
  • Inhouse or Outside/Contractor’s Fleet

Manage “Field Service Operations” with ease:

  • Unlimited Mobile Fleet or service trucks
    • Setup and manage mobile fleets from your base facilities with ease
    • Location tracking, Large TV dashboard, mapping
  • Schedule, Dispatch
    • Schedule service calls, dispatch field service technician
    • Location Dashboard and work assignment screens
    • Check unassigned Jobs, Fleet location and on-hand Jobs
    • Decision tools to check Job distance, Technician distance and job load
    • Mapping & Traffic tools to help dispatch fleet
  • Assign & manage Work Orders to Service Fleet/Technicians
    • Assign work/job to service fleet technician
    • Assign outsource work orders to 3rd Party contractor’s
    • Live changes to work orders, parts request, tasks
    • Work Order status – live feed
    • Tools to schedule and assign field work
  • “World of Productivity” with iM3 SCM lite (Mobility solution)
    • Assign WO, In Progress or Completed Jobs
    • Create WO, tasks or use pre-built WO templates
    • Quick access to Asset History
    • PM, Service Contracts, Warranties
    • Scan Parts to WO/Jobs
    • Ease of inputing or voice story for the job
    • Attendance, WO/task time entry
    • Auto inventory tracking, no more (manual) daily parts usage tracking or frequent cycle counts
    • Send special or urgent part requests to base facility for delivery
    • Auto Invoicing and more
  • Go Paperless
    • Automatic or manual emails sent to customer; printing options also available via the mobile app
  • Asset Tracking & Asset History
    • Using QR codes the mobile app gives you the ability to scan or search an asset, equipment in order to view any past repair history, warranty updates or future preventative maintenance jobs, update meter readings, and create automated repair orders for a specific asset
  • “Yard Check” or “Floor Check” for Asset (Equipment, Machines) Service or PM
  • Live Inventory
    • View live inventory: your main warehouse, your own service truck, or other service trucks nearby.
  • Replenishment Process to quick fill the parts used for servicing
  • Barcode/QR Code Scanning
    • Scan parts via the mobile app and quickly add them to live jobs as parts are being used; use QR codes to scan assets
  • Manage Labor
    • Easily clock-in and clock-out of live jobs as you finish them.
  • Invoicing “On the Go”
    • One click invoicing for existing client’s price matrix or Easy invoice for new clients
  • Capture Signature
    • Whether you are delivering parts or working on a live repair order; capture your customer’s signature or approval, which will automatically print on to the invoice
  • Voice Command
    • Use our voice to text feature to speak your invoice or repair order story, which can be accessible to customers on the invoice, for the back office, or another technician for future jobs.
  • User Friendly
    • Our team understands that your job at hand is more important than figuring out and entering data into a mobile phone or tablet. Our user-friendly touchscreen enabled mobile app makes it easy to learn and train your fellow employees.


Field Service Operations and its integration with iM3 SCM Suite or other ERP, provides insight into wealth of data be it Service History, PM or Service Contracts, Warranty-Standard, Extended or warranty updates, Equipment usage, repair costs and equipment usage and its performance. For inhouse operations looking at the preventive maintenance schedules, parts inventory, cost of repairs and maintenance, asset productivity and performance and quick access to PM, warranty coverage and warranty updates.

Service Providers, need to analyze the data across customers for repairs, PM, Warranty, Equipment usages, repair costs, equipment history, cost Per Hour or cost per mile. Its necessary to manage Revenue vs. Cost, profitability on each Job, Service Contract Billing vs Projected Retail Revenue; the analytics tools provide service provider information on contracts with loss and identify non-performing assets to help them renegotiate Service Contracts as well as help customers repair their non-performing assets.

Inventory and Labor usage and its optimization, Total Assets vs. Technicians, Inhouse service or Outside Service, Analysis will help make such decisions.

iM3 SCM Field Service Operations includes iM3 SCM lite Mobility solution and other back-office productivity tools to manage the Field Service and Fleet Operations, iM3 SCM Suite has been designed to boost productivity for Field Service Supervisors, Managers and service technicians so they can focus on the job rather than managing paperwork or inventory, avoid duplicate entry of data and overlapping job functions.