Artificial Intelligence Based Product or Personnel? Find What Your Organization Really Needs?

Artificial Intelligence Based Product or Personnel? Find What Your Organization Really Needs?

In this digitized era, the conflict between using bots versus humans has become a never-ending matter of discussion. It is true that bots or automated products cannot completely replace humans, but it is possible for them to increase the productivity, functioning and repeatability of human resources. That is the reason why most businesses, irrespective of the industry they belong to, are turning to artificial intelligence based solutions.

Most of the large ERPs such as Netsuite, SAP, etc. are dependent on an enormous number of IT Consultants, which translates to higher costs, thus reducing the overall ROI for the customers.

Barcode Scanning Automation Will Transform Your Operations: Here’s How?

Barcode Scanning Automation Will Transform Your Operations: Here’s How?

The benefits of barcode scanning automation are countless, especially for those companies who want to improve their operations and sales efficiency. PeoplePlus Software offers efficient, effective, and innovative solutions that can automate manual processes that remain crucial to the operations of your business. Barcode scanning automation is a reliable and efficient process that scans different types of codes to be used for one business or even for other businesses that you run.

5 Revolutionary Ways of How CMMS Redefines Industrial Operations

5 Revolutionary Ways of How CMMS Redefines Industrial Operations

There are various useful features of computerized maintenance management systems for businesses, making working easier for the company. The system gives the company the advantage of centralizing the data and monitoring the machines, saving the company money and time. The maintenance managers can perform their duties well.

The computerized maintenance management system provides easy access from any computer to all the required information at any point in time. This reduces the stress on the different branches of the maintenance department, which otherwise had to work late into the night or during peak hours of the week to get the information.

5 Ways How PPS Enables Contract Automation Through iM3SCM to Help Businesses

5 Ways How PPS Enables Contract Automation Through iM3SCM to Help Businesses

A warehouse management system (WMS) is a large-scale warehouse computer network utilized by most warehouses, distribution centers, and other warehousing facilities to manage and optimize related operations. A WMS is software that processes & enables organizations to control and monitor warehouse operations remotely. The purpose of a WMS is to improve warehouse efficiency by reducing labor costs and avoiding labor conflict.

Warehouse Management System

This is How Warehouse Management System Serves Businesses with Its Effective Features

A warehouse management system (WMS) is a large-scale warehouse computer network utilized by most warehouses, distribution centers, and other warehousing facilities to manage and optimize related operations. A WMS is software that processes & enables organizations to control and monitor warehouse operations remotely. The purpose of a WMS is to improve warehouse efficiency by reducing labor costs and avoiding labor conflict.

SCM Software: 5 Ways to improve performance and measure productivity

SCM Software: 5 Ways to improve performance and measure productivity

With the advent of time, businesses and their targeted customers and clients move at an unattainable pace. Such a level of advancement is enabled due to hi-tech solutions being invented as time passes by. Be it any industry or business, and whatever field they are operating in, their standards and services are reaching sky-high, and so are their customers’ demands and preferences.

Top 4 Features of SCM System to Elevate Businesses

Top 4 Features of SCM System to Elevate Businesses

Businesses today are constantly seeking ways to improve their operations and increase overall profits. Many businesses have explored the possibility of implementing an automated supply chain management system to streamline their processes and cut back on waste while also increasing productivity and reducing costs. PPS's automated supply chain services can certainly make a company's life easier by reducing day-to-day time-consuming manual work, in areas such as inventory management, procurement, warehouse management, order tracking and more.

How Automated Solutions Assist in Elevating Customer Experience

How Automated Solutions Assist in Elevating Customer Experience

Today, technology is playing a major role in every business activity. The same is true for automated business process management, which helps businesses streamline procedures, identify customers, and make optimum usage of the available resources. The increasing demand for business process management solutions has prompted software companies to develop different types of tools and technologies that help businesses improve customer experience.

This is How Business Intelligence Elevates Efficiency to Fullest

This is How Business Intelligence Elevates Efficiency to Fullest

Business intelligence is a process through which business units within a company work together and interact to create better efficiency in business operations. To improve efficiency, companies need to properly use BI for maximum results. It is therefore important for management to properly apply this automation technique to business operations. This intelligent method helps them make better decisions by using the information from various systems within a business.

Why using iM3SCMover Excel Spreadsheets is better for Inventory Management

Why using iM3SCM over Excel Spreadsheets is better for Inventory Management!

Inventory management is the backbone of any most businesses. Having accurate data , reduces the risk of overselling, minimizes stock-outs & dead stock, provides visibility on part performance, allows for timely procurement which reduces warehouse activity, and allows provides a broader view of part data to make more profitable business decisions.

5 Advantages of Automation in Preventive Maintenance

5 Advantages of Automation in Preventive Maintenance

There is a common saying within the industry when it comes to asset management, "preventative maintenance is better than treatment.” It's better to prevent existing issues than to treat them later. There would be many concerns in the mind of an organization about automation and preventive maintenance. Being a provider of automated preventive maintenance services, PeoplePlus Software (PPS) suggests researchingin-depth to clear all doubts before opting for automated solutions.

Amazing Benefits of Digital Asset Management for Consumer-Packaged Goods

Amazing Benefits of Digital Asset Management for Consumer-Packaged Goods

The benefits of digital asset management for consumer packaged goods companies are extensive and are starting to come to the forefront in all of the major industries. Consumers are spending more time searching for information about products and services, which is why the importance of keeping their purchases safe, secure, and confidential cannot be overlooked. When a consumer chooses to purchase online, he or she is doing so based on their trust, which means that they should never give out sensitive information to an unknown website.

5 Reasons why an inventory management system is essential for Healthcare

5 Reasons why an inventory management system is essential for Healthcare

A fully automated inventory management system for the healthcare industry can allow working professionals to keep track of a variety of information such as: patient data, materials and equipment/asset management, employee information, outsourced services, procurement, warehouse and facility management, and more). This ensures that the right level of care is provided to each patient and also enables greater efficiency and productivity of staff managing these cumbersome robust day-to-day processes. Additionally, assisting with simplified and timely decision making.

Smart Ways to Get rid of Dead Stock

Smart Ways to Get rid of Dead Stock

Running an eCommerce or warehouse management business can be a tricky affair, and especially if you’re new to it, it gets even more difficult to understand and predict the demand and supply ratio, which can directly affect your inventory or stock.

Due to the uncertainty of the eCommerce marketplace, the chances of storing piles of dead stock increase, which may be hard to get rid of.

Go Green with Logistics

Go Green with Logistics

#Globalwarming, Green House Gas (#GHG) emissions, #Climatechange are matters of immense concern all over the world. If these concerns are not addressed in time, it will have detrimental effects. The consequences would be the destruction of green cover, food and water shortages, societal imbalances and inequality. Lastly, it would affect businesses and the global economy. Hence it should be understood that the environment and economy are tightly coupled. If humankind needs to survive and flourish its important that the economy takes good care of the environment.

Growing your Fleet Management Operations?

Growing your Fleet Management Operations?

According to Markets & Markets the global fleet management market is expected to grow from USD 19.9 billion in 2020 to USD 34.0 billion by 2025. North America is expected to hold the largest market size in the global fleet management market. The growth is mostly attributed tothe large-scale adoption of new technology solutions for management and tracking. But how has all of this changed admist the global pandemic?

6 Trending Software Management Tactics to help Increase Productivity of Multi-Faceted Businesses

6 Trending Software Management Tactics to help Increase Productivity of Multi-Faceted Businesses

PeoplePlus Software (PPS) offers its users various software services that can be used for the management of different areas in multi-faceted businesses. Below are examples of helpful software management tactics that are utilized in the industry to in order to improve productivity and efficiency.

How Cloud Computing Helps in Facilitating Better Education?

How Cloud Computing Helps in Facilitating Better Education?

Cloud computing solutions allow various educational organizations to cost-effectively upgrade learning & communication systems without any massive capital investment.

What is the importance of cloud computing in education? Is it viable for all types of educational institutions? Let’s take a look at the various benefits that are associated with cloud computing.

There is no dearth of innovative ideas that are associated with the education sector. On the other hand, there is also a dearth of storage and bandwidth that cannot be met by a single[...]

Unbelievable Benefits of Dealer & Distribution Management System

Unbelievable Benefits of Dealer & Distribution Management System

While using DMS, you can easily store, analyze, and access all the details and data related to the associated business partners, customers, suppliers, and stocks.

Nowadays, more businesses are looking into the advantages of distribution management systems. The system is mainly used for controlling and managing the delivery and distribution of goods. PeoplePlus Software (PPS) through its services makes sure that it may advantage small, as well as, large businesses through its distribution management system.[...]

Best Practices Associated with Inventory Management System

Best Practices Associated with Inventory Management System

An efficient Inventory Management System can let you rule the picking & packing processes like an overlord.

In this article PPS explores the unique strategies relating to best inventory management practices. The goal is to be getting rid of all the chaos, pain, and stress in daily repetitive tasks, such as picking, issuing, packaging, invoicing and more – so that you can focus on providing exceptional services to your customers and reap the rewards of your hardwork.[...]

E-Procurement, the importance of Digital Procurement Transformation

How the Innovations Introduced by Hi-Tech Help in Trucking & Logistics?

As age-old processes begin towards meeting the demands of the age of the internet, logisticians should understand the ways through which the technologies are beginning to transform the industry.

More companies are investigating how business intelligence can solve trucking and logistics issues. While this technology is still growing in its early stages, there are several advancements that we can anticipate from this technology,in particular the ability to perform multiple tasks at once, change various processes[...]

E-Procurement, the importance of Digital Procurement Transformation

Benefits of Opting for the Correct Warehouse Management System (WMS) for Your Business

Warehouse Management System: The redefined backbone of companies associated with logistics.

There are many advantages to choosing the correct warehouse management system to run an operation. Every business must decide if they want the technology or the manual option to maximize productivity, create a more effective workflow, and maintain effective management. [...]

E-Procurement, the importance of Digital Procurement Transformation

E-Procurement, the importance of Digital Procurement Transformation

Traditional purchasing or procurement management involves the scouting of various suppliers or vendors, evaluating and negotiating terms, and acquiring the required products or services. In today’s ever-changing digital world, procurement has evolved immensely into a digital tool allowing businesses to interact with one another and reduce cost on commodity goods, parts, and services.

Procurement management has four main functions: planning, scouting and sourcing, communicating, and closing. [...]

How Business Intelligence is Changing Healthcare

How Business Intelligence is Changing Healthcare?

By understanding the impact of technology, we can better know how it is changing healthcare and the role it is playing to improve the quality of our lives.

Technology in medicine has been moving forward rapidly over the past several years. Due to more use of electronic health records (EHRs), an increase in access to BI, and the rapid spread of computer technology, many professionals are considering the impact technology is having on their industry. It can be difficult to change the ways we think about healthcare, but the impact of this development is extremely important to consider.[...]


Companies re-evaluate the need to incorporate technology such as digital systems and robots in order to improve supply chain operations.

As shelter-in-place orders continue its unpredictable and contrasting nature around the world, businesses must learn to adapt and innovate as they prepare to live in a post-pandemic global economy. Many essential businesses, such as automotive and manufacturing plants, are set to reopen as early as this week in the United States; but with the possibility of future shutdowns, limited staff and resource availability, companies must prepare to digitize their operations. According to Adobe Analytics (which tracks activity on thousands of platforms and websites), e-commerce sales surged to an eye-opening 49% jump in the U.S., between March 12th and April 11th. Therefore,[...]

Preparing your SCM Operation for the “Now Economy”

Now. From picking up your daily morning coffee at Starbucks to ordering and receiving your latest packages from Amazon, each one of us are naturally accustomed to instant automation. Today we live in what’s been coined as the “Now Economy”, consumers expect their products immediately.

Our daily volatile interactions with technology are putting immense pressure on businesses across all sectors to keep up. In Supply Chain, analysts predict that the most proactive companies that successfully adapt these practices and constantly improve their software and technology to provide the right tools to their work force, in order to increase productivity and efficiency[...]